500 word draft
Dear mom,
You’ve always had a feeling that I would love this school, and you were right. At the beginning, I really wasn’t too sure about it. I realized it wasn’t UNE that was the problem, it was simply adjusting to college and how it all worked. I am nowhere near done growing and learning things for myself, but the first semester of college teaches you so many things about life and yourself. One main thing I have learned is how much I love and need my alone time. How in my free time, on a beautiful day, I will always choose to go to the beach. By myself, or with friends, and I get that from you. I was so worried about how I would do academically above everything else, and you assured me that I would be just fine. You’ve also told me many times about how proud you are of me for all I’ve done and how well I am hanging on and of course the friends I’ve made as well. Someone who reminds me a lot of Natalie, who has been a third daughter for you and dad for 8 years now, is Hailey. Hailey keeps me academically accountable, inspires me in many ways, always laughs at my jokes, thinks I’m beyond hilarious, and always does things with me like attending athletic events and always will come to the dining hall with me. As it usually goes, the first couple of girls I met I was not as close with them anymore. But that’s okay, because it’s allowed me to branch out and talk to many new people. So many close friends in my dorm, I swear it’s insane how almost every single girl in Padua first are friends. Not your causal wave when you walk by, but gossip for 2 hours in the dining hall with kind of friends. I am beyond grateful I get to live with my closest friends and get to experience how “lovely” our dorm is. I’ve told you many details about how gross and broken our dorm has gotten, but I’ll give a slight run down. Within the first week, our water filter broke and didn’t get fixed until after Thanksgiving break, one out of two washers broke for a week, someone put bleach in the washer more than once, on the weekends our hallways get destroyed with trash everywhere, power in both bathrooms went out for two nights straight, and recently we now have mold in our heaters!
Something you’ll be so proud of me for is learning how to manage my time better. It’s not perfect, but I’ve gotten better with starting homework earlier and less procrastination overall. Will I still be 5-10 minutes late for any class because I needed food or a few more minutes in the gym? Absolutely. I do prioritize academics and going to class, but those two things will probably always come first.
1000 word draft
College has taught me to love living without parents but hate living with 30 girls and guys. Speaking of living without parents, I now have had to get used to living with another girl. Thankfully, my roommate and I got to have a double because our third room opted out. I went in random as well, which made things a little difficult because not only were we sharing this small personal space, but I also didn’t know her at all. We live great together, but we aren’t best friends which is okay, we don’t need to be. It honestly is nice because our room is a calm space and energy because we don’t really have anyone in there except us, and since we’re not super close we were not always talking. Overall I am beyond happy for my roommate choice and decision, even though I wasn’t too sure about it at first.
The weekends. No matter what I do, if I go out, if I stay in, if I am lazy, if I am productive. The weekends saved me in many ways, two days with no classes, and much more free time. No responsibilities, no alarms set for the morning, can go to bed whenever I’d like, get to see a different side of everyone as well. Where they’re not exhausted from class, or that they must go to class, but when they’re excited to go to parties, getting ready for parties, and everything after. I’ve gone out a few times but that’s not really what I love to do anymore. As you know firsthand, I experienced a lot of things early in high school because I grew up and matured faster than most, which you didn’t love, but now I am much happier with it being that way. Another thing that I also get from you is that fitness has changed and influenced me in so many ways. Since I grew up too fast, something that hit me fast was insecurity. I am not saying I found the key to cure insecurity but being in the gym almost every day for the past year has helped me in a way I didn’t know was possible. I am so much stronger mentally and physically, and it is something that has helped me develop not only motivation, that came first, but extreme discipline. It’s not easy, balancing the gym for 1-2 hours a day, worrying about my diet in a dining hall with tons of junk food, at least 8 hours of sleep, and of course classes and all the homework that comes with it. But, with all that said, I have found a routine that works. Something else that I know you’ll be grateful to hear is that I don’t miss home as much as I thought I would, or even as much anymore. Yes of course I love having my own space, my own bed, seeing you and dad, the dogs, and my hometown best friends. But being at college has been just overall beyond amazing.
1250 word draft
Meeting people outside of the little town I grew up in, getting out of the toxic high school I spent 4 long years in, has been the best thing for me. New friendships, new perspectives, new people who have influenced me in many ways, and I’m still only in my first semester. Another thing I mentioned before is the athletic games. Hailey has been a big influence on me going to every football and hockey game so far, and I’m so glad we have because I barely went to any in high school. And I want you to know that I loved Lunenburg, it was the grade I grew up with that was just not awesome, and I know you know that. So, all those Friday night lights I missed, that wasn’t because I didn’t want to be there, it was because of the people in that school. I am thriving here mom; I know you’re so beyond proud of me and thank you for telling me that always and thank you for giving me the idea to apply to this school. The most important thing I want you to know is how much independence I have gained by being here and doing this on my own. The trips I have taken to the beach by myself have given me so much peace, the 2 hours I spend at the gym every day bettering myself, and everything in between. I know I haven’t always thrived academically or had the discipline to put in my absolute best work, but I do that here, I choose to, and I always think of you and how proud I know you are. Not all my final grades will reflect how hard I really tried, but I promise you I gave this semester my all and will continue to. Thank you for always pushing and influencing me. I would not be here without you.
- Amanda